Tuesday, November 24, 2009

New look for me? somewhat emo/punk?

I want to have more of a punk look to me ummm i dont want to do the all black thing i will were black and red. but i wan to do an electic colors. i wan styles i could do w/ out dye or w/ out getting it cut. makeup. (not too overwellming) i have medium skin tone with long brown hair i hope this information helped!

New look for me? somewhat emo/punk?

You could like get some temporary streaks in your hair that wash out and stuff - then you can have electric colors- like blue and red and stuff, but you can keep changing them a lot so your hair always looks coolio.

For ur clothes you could like wear all black but then get a really really bright scarf/socks/a hat, or some jewellery- like in neon orange and electric blue and bright green and stuff so it stands out through all the black.

For ur makeup you could do like a mix of neon and dark- so it balances out - like bright colors mixed with charcoles and dark grays and stuff.

Anyway hope i helped. Good luck! =]

New look for me? somewhat emo/punk?


New look for me? somewhat emo/punk?

Well if you style I don't see how emo or punk can be anywhere in the question. Emo punk = dyed hair, cut cloths, lots of make-up, and black. Your looking for something else boss.

New look for me? somewhat emo/punk?

shop at hot topic :D

New look for me? somewhat emo/punk?

well personally i was punk before cuz i wuz depressed but honestly punk/emo really isnt attractive sometimes is scary but if you make it look rite then your ok. try hot pink or bright yellow nails. wear band name shirts. dont go overboard though!!!!!

New look for me? somewhat emo/punk?

originality is the best look, just have a look in different shops and mix and match what you like, you don't have to go mad with your hair or make up to become punk etc just whatever you feel comfortable but i would maybe make your eyes stand out with a bold eyeshadow, if you want a nice twist to your hair why don't you get a bold pink/purple streak in your hair, whatever you do have fun with it

New look for me? somewhat emo/punk?

Style your hair in crazy funky ways. Try using lots of colorful rubber bands, or old 80's style hair scrunchies. Even pump up your wardrobe, with lots of fun colors, in funky styles. I would buy a pair of converse shoes too, in any color. Wear clothes together that nobody would think of. Try using black kohl eyeliner (sparingly) and try the smokey eye look. You could even use some yummy pink lip gloss or even a light red.

New look for me? somewhat emo/punk?

y do u want to change urself ur beautiful da way u r

But if ur lookin 4 a punk look

wear skulls like neckalaces wear black rubberband or stuff chokers sometimes helps the skinney black jeans and a shirt that has skulls or just stuff like dat go to Not Of This World in da Wellington Mall

dat way u can b a christian and still b emo Just turn to God 4 da answers and Dont Cut urself!

New look for me? somewhat emo/punk?

how about being yourself what u like not anybody else

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