Friday, November 27, 2009

Side fringe?

I have medium length, blonde and moderately wavy hair and my face is fairly round. I currently have a fringe that is cut straight and sits just below my eyebrows and I think it looks cool. Now I'm wanting to change my look as I've had this style for a while. Would a side fringe look good on me? And would it take much styling? I really don't want to have to style it everyday like I currently do (the natural waves don't sit right in a straight fringe). My hair is only slightly wavy and I'm not sure if it would look ok in a side fringe or not or take too much everyday maintenence. What do you think?

Side fringe?

i say go with a side fringe for 3 reasons

1. looks good on every one

2. can straiting it easier than a fringe that goes strait across

3. can pin it back to show your face either straight back or in a puff (looks cool if it is to the side a little not only straight back)

Side fringe?

It can't hurt to try it, right? It will probably be just as much maintenance but just let them grow out a little bit and try it. If you don't like them you can cut them again or let your bangs grow all the way out.

Side fringe?

Hairstyles With Bangs/fringe

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